The AABPS is inviting research abstracts for the souvenir publication for their 5th Convention to be held on July 5-6, 2019.
Abstracts are accepted in two categories: (a) Graduate students and (b) Post Doc and Faculties.
Graduate Students Category (junior and senior groups)
Bangladeshi Graduate students enrolled to an MS or PhD program in the USA with research focus on any of the following areas are eligible:
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Biomedical Science
Bangladeshi students enrolled to the Professional PharmD programs in the USA are also eligible to submit their abstracts.
Junior group: Students enrolled to the MS program, students in their first two years of the PhD program and students enrolled to PharmD program will belong to this group.
Senior group: Students enrolled to the PhD programs who are currently in their third year or above belong to this group.
Group name should be specified in the cover letter.
The first author of the submitted abstract should belong to any of the categories mentioned above and the projected semester of graduation must not be earlier than Fall 2019. All abstracts will be reviewed for their scientific merit and the accepted abstracts will be published in the souvenir of the convention. However, the best abstracts will be nominated by the reviewers and the first author will be sponsored with the AABPS Travel Grant.
Post-doc and Faculty category
Students graduating before Fall 2019, post-doctoral researchers, research faculties and faculties of various programs related to pharmacy, pharmaceutical science, medicinal chemistry and biomedical sciences are eligible to submit abstract under this category. The accepted abstracts will be published in the convention souvenir. At this moment, AABPS travel grant is not offered for this category.
Abstract submission rules
- The first author should submit the abstract in a Microsoft Word document no later than April 20th, Saturday, 5PM EST to [email protected].
- There should be a cover letter typed in or attached to the email. The cover letter should clearly specify the category (MS/PhD/PharmD or Post-doc/Faculty) and group (junior or senior under the student category).
- The submitting author should become an AABPS member prior to submitting the abstract. The membership form and instruction are available at
- The mandatory format of the abstract is:
- Word limit for the title: 50
- Under the title, there should be the names of the authors and affiliated academic institutes. Multiple authors may be included, however the presenting person (who is also the applicant for the travel grant) should be listed first.
- All texts of the abstract should be in Times New Roman font with 12-point size. Title of the abstract should be boldfaced with optional italicized words.
- Word limit for the abstract excluding the title: 800
- May include up to 3 images, provided in the Microsoft Word document or as attachment of the email.
- Must contain the sections of (i) Purpose, (ii) Methods, (iii) Results and (iv) Conclusion. Each section should be in a new paragraph.
- Inclusion of reference is not mandatory, and may be provided in the last part of conclusion.
- Acknowledgement should not be provided in the abstract. However, it may be provided in the poster presented in the convention.
- The document containing abstract should be named as “Abstract, {Last name}, AABPS 2019” format with .doc or .docx extension, where Last name is the last name of the presenting author.
- All communication from the AABPS will be made only to the submitting author only.
- The body of the email should bear the following information:
- Author’s full name
- Department
- Supervisor’s full name, designation, email address and phone number.
- Category and group under which the abstract is being submitted.
- Major area of research.
- Present academic position (level of academic year).
- Intake semester of the graduate program (for student category only).
- Expected semester of graduation (for student category only).
- Affidavit confirmation: by submitting the abstract to AABPS you agree that the Principal Investigator or Research Supervisor of the project has approved submission of your abstract and subsequent publication in the print and electronic versions of the AABPS newsletter in the future.
Travel award
The decision of the travel award will be released on May 11, 2019. The amount is $500.00, and the award is to be collected in the award giving section of the event and contingent upon presentation of the research by the submitting author.
Categories of awards
There will be two categories of awards: (a) Student category – Junior, (b) Student category – Senior.
On-site presentation
There will not be any on-site poster presentation. However, the presenting authors should have their three-minute thesis presentation prepared for a podium talk. Best performer(s) on the podium presentation will be awarded with certificate and gift separately.
Bursary disclosure
The AABPS travel grant winners will receive a full coverage of the registration of the convention to attend (including the meals during the event). They will also receive $500.00 check upon attending and presenting their work. This travel grant does not include any lodging or meal expense outside the convention event.
Questions? Contact:
For any question, please contact Dr. Mamoon Rashid, Chair of Publication Committee, 5th AABPS Convention at [email protected].