I have a PhD in neuroscience, and my focus of doctoral research was on the functional relationship of endopeptidase neurolysin (EC to neuronal cell death. My PhD supervisor was Dr. Vardan Karamyan, and my professional ethics have been greatly shaped by him. He is one of the best mentors I met in my life.

I came to the USA on August 8, 2008 and the first two years of my PhD were on primary cell cultures. The last three years were spent on brain stroke, and I used a special surgery called Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion (MCAO) in mice model for this purpose. Below are some excerpts from my dissertation. All data are published and available in Pubmed.

Below is the cover page of my PhD dissertation. My mother Rezia Begum was a stroke survivor for the last 18 years of her life. My dissertation was dedicated to her lovely memory.

I always wanted to build a career where I will have great exposure to direct teaching. In 2013, I joined Appalachian College of Pharmacy (ACP) in Virginia as a Faculty where my research focus got a new direction: formulation development and pharmaceutical analysis. HPLC and Spectrophotometry were my most used tools.

I used Franz Diffusion Cell (FSD) a lot to determine the permeation profile of drug moieties through natural skin or its synthetic simulation (artificial membranes). In this picture below, I am working with a Franz Cell. The object you see I’m holding is a pig ear. The pig ear skin is frequently used to study the transdermal drug permeation.

I also worked on popularizing STEM among young high school students. In the picture below, you see a group of high school students to whom I am explaining how a lip balm is made from beeswax and mineral oil. Participants were all minors and therefore, they are pixelated.

In the early stage of COVID-19 pandemic, I extensively worked on developing hand sanitizer formulations for scaling up. Below is a picture of our pilot batches.
Book chapters:
1) Mamoon Rashid, Monzurul A Roni and Mehbuba Rahman. “Chapter 17: Clinical Status of Bioinspired and Biomimetic materials”. Bioinspired and Biomimetic Materials for Drug Delivery. 1st Edition, May 2020. Elsevier (Chapter has been accepted by the Publisher).
2) Mamoon Rashid, Mehbuba Rahman and M.O. Faruk Khan. “Chapter 11: Phenothiazines and Related Antipsychotic Drugs”. Medicinal Chemistry for Pharmacy Students. Vol 2, 2019. Bentham eBooks.
3) Mamoon Rashid, Monzurul A Roni and Mehbuba Rahman. “Chapter 17. Graphene and Autophagy — the savior or Slayer” Biomedical Applications of Graphene and 2D Nanomaterials 1st Edition, April 2019. Elsevier, Paperback ISBN: 978-0-12-815889-0.
Scholarly publications
1) Rashid, M., Rahman, M., Nounou, M., & Islam, M. A. (2020). Speed and accuracy of pharmacy students’ response to calculation problems with or without formula prompts. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning.
2) Incorporating Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Compounding-related Courses in the PharmD Curricula. Mohammad Hossain, Dan Levesque, John Frye and Mamoon Rashid. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding. 2020; 24(4).
3) Compounding and Comparative Study of a Superior, Faster, and More Adaptable Lidocaine Dental Gel Formulation. Mamoon Rashid, Mohammad Faisal Hossain, Mohamed Nounou, et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding. 2019; 23(3).
4) A Simplified, Specific HPLC Method of Assaying Thiamine, Riboflavin and Niacin in Mushrooms. Mohammad Faisal Hossain, Mamoon Rashid, Rajjit Sidhu, Randy Mullins and Susan L. Mayhew. International Journal of Food Science, Volume 2019, Article ID 8716986.
5) Peptidase neurolysin: Its function related to the brain renin-angiotensin system and pathophysiology of stroke. Letter to the Editor; Mamoon Rashid and Vardan Karamyan. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience; Volume 48, February 2018, Pages 245.
6) Simultaneous Assay of Baclofen, Lidocaine, and Ketamine in Compounded Topical Cream; Q Masuda, M Rashid, N Shams, R Mullins. BAOJ Pharmaceutical Sciences 3 (2), 7
7) Peptidase neurolysin functions to preserve the brain after ischemic stroke in male mice. Srinidhi Jayaraman, Abdullah Al Shoyaib, Joanna Kocot, Heidi Villalba, Faisal F. Alamri, Mamoon Rashid, Naomi J. Wangler, Ekram A. Chowdhury, Nadezhda German, Thiruma V. Arumugam, Thomas J. Abbruscato, Vardan T. Karamyan. J Neurochem. 2020 Apr;153(1):120-137.
8) Functional up‐regulation of endopeptidase neurolysin during post‐acute and early recovery phases of experimental stroke in mouse brain. M Rashid, NJ Wangler, L Yang, K Shah, TV Arumugam, TJ Abbruscato. Journal of neurochemistry 129 (1), 179-189.
9) Association of the novel non-AT1, non-AT2 angiotensin binding site with neuronal cell death. M Rashid, TV Arumugam, VT Karamyan. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 335 (3), 754-761.
10) High-performance Liquid Chromatography Method Optimization for Ondansetron Assay in Extemporaneous Topical Gel and in Marketed Products. Masuda Quamrun, Rashid Mamoon, Shams Nasheed, Mullins Randy. Intl J Pharmaceutical Compounding Vol 8, No. 6.
Recently Accepted and Submitted Abstracts
1) Evaluation of Chemical stability of naloxone products beyond their labeled expiration dates. Mohammad F. Hossain, Craig Kimble, Tiffany Davis, Randy Mullins, Mamoon Rashid, Sushanta Sarkar, Charles “CK” Babcock. Accepted: AAPS Annual Conference, Washington D.C, 2018.
2) A Simplified, Specific HPLC Method of Assaying Thiamine, Riboflavin and Niacin in Mushrooms. Mohammad Faisal Hossain, Mamoon Rashid, Rajjit Sidhu and Randy Mullins. Submitted: Midyear Clinical Meeting 2018 – American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Anaheim, CA.
3) Widening the horizon of pharmaceutical compounding through institution-based student-organization. Akash Pandit, Mehbuba Rahman, Mohammad Hossain, Mohamed Nounou and Mamoon Rashid. Accepted for presentation at the 2018 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting held in Anaheim, CA, December 2-6, 2018 (Note: the abstract was not presented since the student author did not attend the meeting).
4) Harnessing the potential of mobile-learning in pharmaceutical calculation: the challenges and prospects. Sally Konja, Mehbuba Rahman, Mohammad Hossain, Mohamed Nounou and Mamoon Rashid. Accepted for presentation at the 2018 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting held in Anaheim, CA, December 2-6, 2018 (Note: the abstract was not presented since the student author did not attend the meeting).
Presentations in Professional Conferences
- Comparing the compounding process and the product of a novel lidocaine gel formulation, Mamoon Rashid, Mehbuba Rahman, Faisal Hossain, Appalachian College of Pharmacy; AACP Annual Meeting, Pharmacy Education 2018 in Boston, Massachusetts.
- Assessment of a self-paced web-based pharmaceutical calculation practice tool, Mamoon Rashid, Sally Riyadh Konja, Mehbuba Rahman, Craig R. Mullins, Appalachian College of Pharmacy; AACP Annual Meeting, Pharmacy Education 2018 in Boston, Massachusetts.
- Podium presentation on “Quality evaluation of compounded ondansetron topical gel for chemotherapy patients”; 3rd Annual Convention of American Association of Bangladeshi Pharmaceutical Scientists, Philadelphia, PA 08/2015
- Mamoon Rashid, Nurul H Masum, Farjana K Arpita, SM A Islam, Md S Reza, Formulation and In Vitro Evaluation of Valsartan Loaded Microspheres; American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, San Diego, 11/2014
- Mamoon Rashid, Nurul H Masum, Shariful Islam, Ikramul Hasan, Md S Reza, Effect of Polymer Type and Concentration on Physico-Chemical Properties of Valsartan Loaded Microspheres; American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, San Diego, 11/2014
- Mamoon Rashid, Li Yang, Thiruma V. Arumugam, Thomas J. Abbruscato, Vardan T. Karamyan. Ischemia-reperfusion injury causes upregulation of the novel non-AT1, non-AT2 angiotensin binding site in the mouse brain. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego. 11/2010
- Mamoon Rashid, Thiruma V. Arumugam and Vardan T. Karamyan. Upregulation Mechanism(s) of the Novel non-AT1, non-AT2 Angiotensin Binding Site in Neuronal Cell Death. Tenth Annual Research Days, Amarillo. 6/2011. Presented by Dr. Karamyan
- Md. Mamunur Rashid, Thiruma V. Arumugam, Vardan T. Karamyan. Mechanism(s) of upregulation of the novel non-AT1, non-AT2 angiotensin binding site during neuronal cell death. Student Research Week, TTUHSC Lubbock. 3/2011
- Md. Mamunur Rashid, li Yan, Thiruma V. Arumugam, Thomas J. Abbruscato, Vardan T. Karamyan. Association of the Novel Non-AT1, Non-AT2 Angiotensin Binding Site with Neuronal Cell Death in Mouse MCAO Model of Stroke. Research Days, TTUHSC SOP, Amarillo. 6/2010
- M Rashid, Li Yang, TV. Arumugam, TJ. Abbruscato, VT. Karamyan. The non-AT1, non-AT2 angiotensin binding site plays a role in neuronal cell death. TTUHSC Research Week, Lubbock. 3/2010
- M. M. Rashid, T. V. Arumugam, V. T. Karamyan. Preliminary characterization of the novel, non-AT1, non-AT2 angiotensin binding site in mouse primary cortical neurons. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago. 10/2009
- M. M. Rashid, T. V. Arumugam, V. T. Karamyan. Characterization of the non-AT1, non-AT2 Angiotensin binding site in primary cortical neurons. Research Days, Amarillo, TX. 6/2009